I. General Policy
The following Rules and Regulations for the Stonegate Swim Club (SSC) have been established by the
SSC Board of Directors in order to provide enjoyable, safe recreation for all members and their
guests. All members are responsible for abiding by these Rules and Regulations.
SSC currently employs a pool management company to operate the SSC pool. The staff is employed by
the management company and is trained and qualified in accordance with all County and State safety
and health regulations. The management company is under the direct supervision of the SSC Board.
The staff are responsible for enforcing the SSC Rules and Regulations in a fair and impartial
manner. If any pool member believes that he or she is being treated unjustly and/or wishes to
recommend changes in these rules, please submit them in writing to the Secretary of the SSC Board.
II. Daily Admission Procedures:
Only Stonegate Pool members, their guests and any party attendees with guest passes, and other
authorized guests (e.g., visiting swim teams) are permitted entry into the pool.
III. Registration and Verification Procedures
A. Initial Requirements: Members will be allowed entry to the pool only if they have paid
current dues, initiation fees, and any past due amounts or late fees. Members are required to
submit current photos of each family member before using the pool for the season. A computer record
is created for each member with the photo of each family member. A two-week processing period may
be required after receipt of payment before members may use the pool.
B. Daily Check-In: When members arrive, the lifeguard at the check-in desk will verify their
membership using the Membership roster. Members must sign each family member in separately, as
well as any guests.
C. Guest Policy:
1. Each membership comes with ten guest passes per year. Once the ten free guest passes are used, members may purchase additional guest passes via the Venmo.
2. Members must sign in and accompany all guests.
3. Guest passes are required for all guests (including party attendees), even those wearing street
clothes. ALL persons on pool property must be a member or utilize a guest pass!
4. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests obey the SSC Rules and Regulations
5. Any falsification of member or guest information could result in suspended pool privileges
6. Proper swimming attire is required AT ALL TIMES to enter the pool water. (NO STREET CLOTHES ARE ALLOWED IN THE WATER!)
D. Party/Gazebo Use Guidelines
1. Members planning a large party with more than 20 (members or non-members) guests must get prior approval from the pool
board prior to requesting use of the gazebo and the party. In general, the maximum number
of non-members allowed at a party is 20. Requests should be sent to ANY PARTY with more than 20 approved guests is subject to an additional fee or $35 per hour to offset the cost of additional staff needed to ensure pool safety of all members and guests.
2. Party guests may enter using the member’s guest passes; additional guests passes for party
attendees must be purchased at the time of the party; Venmo is preferred. Venmo Handle is @StonegateSwimClub.
3. The pool will not accommodate private parties on Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day.
4. Per MoCo ordinance, is no amplified music allowed.
E. Members' Children: Parents have primary responsibility for their children's safety and behavior
at the pool. Children under 10 years of age must be supervised by a person 16 years of age or older
(14-16 year olds may supervise with approval of the pool manager). Children who have attained their
10th birthday may be unaccompanied at the pool provided that the pool manager has determined that
the children are safe and skillful swimmers with no conduct or discipline concerns.
The pool board will suspend this privilege and require the presence of a parent of guardian if there are
conduct and / or safety concerns.
IV. Emergency Pool Closing
The pool may be closed by the pool operator on duty and the entire pool area cleared without prior
notice for inclement weather conditions or for pool safety reasons. In case lightning is sighted,
the pool grounds will be cleared but members may wait in the bath house for rides. If thunder or
lightning are heard or seen, swimmers must exit the pool until the pool manager determines it is
safe to enter the water.
V. Pool Operating Hours (subject to adjustments)
A. In General
While public school is in session: 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm weekdays
11:00 am – 9:00 pm weekends and holidays
When school is out: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm daily
Swim Team Practice and Swimming Lessons: Approx. 8:00 am - 11:00 am weekdays
Any special activities or pool closings will be posted on the website and at the entrance to the
pool (on a bulletin board) with as much advance notice as possible.
B. Swim Meets
1. "A” Meets - Saturday mornings - see website for dates of "home" (at Stonegate) meets/relays.
2. "B" Meets - Wednesday evenings - See website for dates of "home" meets. Pool will be closed at
4:30 p.m. for "B' meets/relays.
3. There may be other meets held at the pool during the summer season that may affect operating
hours. These will be posted on the website at the beginning of the season.
C. Swim Lessons
Swim lessons are offered by the swim team/pool staff. Contact the pool manager for prices, dates of
sessions and other information.
D. Adult Swim
The main pool is reserved for those sixteen (16) years of age or over during the last 15 minutes of
each hour. Infants (2 years & under) may be held by an adult in the shallow non-swimming area of
the pool during adult swim.
VI. Health Regulations
A. In General
1. All persons using the pool must take a shower prior to entering the pool.
2. All persons coming from the grass or sand area must also shower prior to entering the pool.
3. Swimming in attire other than normal swim suits will not be permitted.
4. Persons with skin diseases, sore or inflamed eyes, colds, nasal or ear discharges, bandaged
sores or communicable diseases will not be permitted in the pool.
5. Spitting, spouting in the water, or blowing the nose in the pool is not permitted.
6. Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers and tight fitting waterproof pants.
7. Dogs or other pets, except for guide dogs, are not permitted in the pool area.
8. Chewing of gum and tobacco is not permitted at the pool
9. Eating and drinking are not permitted on the pool deck, but on the grassy area ONLY.
10. No smoking of any products, tobacco or electronic, is permitted anywhere on the pool premises.
11. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on SSC grounds.
12. No glass containers of any kind are permitted on SSC grounds.
VII. Safety Regulations
A. In General
1. Members and their guests are not to engage lifeguards in conversation while they are on duty or
to request the lifeguards to assume responsibility for any children during the pool hours.
2. Pool office is used for official pool business ONLY!
3. No one is permitted in the pool for any reason except during the prescribed hours, and then
only if lifeguards are on duty and in the lifeguard chair.
4. No throwing of children in the air while playing in the pool is allowed.
5. Please keep to the right while swimming in the swim lane.
6. Balls, inflation devices, fins, etc. may not be used in the main swim area except during
special times announced by the staff.
7. No running, pushing, profanity or other rowdy behavior is permitted in the pool areas.
8. Ball playing and other special activities are permitted in the upper grassy area only.
9. The pool staff are authorized to require any member or guest seeking to swim in the deep end of
the pool to first demonstrate adequate swimming capability.
B. Diving
1. No diving into the pool from the edges marked "No Diving."
2. No swimming is permitted in the diving area (the well) while diving boards are open for use.
3. Anyone wishing to use the diving boards must be able to swim a lap and demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the manager (at any time) their ability to swim and safely use the boards.
4. Anyone wishing to use the high dive MUST be at least 42 inches tall.
5. Only one person shall be on the ladder or diving board at a time.
6. Once the swimmer has started up the ladder or is on the dive board, the diver must jump or dive
straight off the board. Descending down the ladder is not permitted!
7. Divers shall check both water area and the other board before diving.
8. Excessive bouncing, "horseplay", diving over people’s heads, or other unsafe acts are not
9. After diving, proceed directly to the closest pool side and exit the well.
10. If a diver needs help on the ladder or dive board, call the lifeguard for help. Don’t go back
down the ladder!
C. Wading Pool
Only children five years of age or younger will be permitted in the wading pool. Parents, not
lifeguards, are responsible for their children in the wading pool. Parents are requested to help
keep older children out of the wading pool. Please see the information on swim diapers in the
Health Regulations (Section VI).
VIII. Chairs and Lounges
1. On weekends and holidays, lounges are reserved for members and guests 16 years of age and
older. Adults have priority over teenagers.
2. Only one person is permitted on a lounge or chair at one time to prevent damage.
3. Lounges and chairs may not be reserved for persons not present in the pool area.
IX. Parking and Bicycle Policy
1. The SSC parking lot and grounds are available ONLY to members and their guests during pool
hours and when attending the pool. The lot may be locked each evening at closing and if so will not
reopen until the next day.
2. Bicycle racks are available for cyclists. Bicycles should be locked.
X. Ball Use
1. One basketball may be used at the pool side basket. Other balls and raft-type flotation devices
may not be used in the main swim area except as permitted by the manager.
2. Ball playing (soccer, kickball, volleyball, tetherball, or other inflatable ball games) and
other special activities are permitted in the upper grassy area only.
3. The manager on duty has the discretion to restrict these rules further to ensure members'
XI. Disciplinary Measures
As more fully set forth in the SSC Bylaws, any unsafe activity or infraction of the rules by anyone
at the pool may result in the disciplinary measures that include short-term suspension of use
during the day or for the remainder of the day.
Dated 5/24/2021